Maria Finders is curator of Luma days for Arles and a member of the jury for the Prix Viviane Esders 2023. Here are her impressions…
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Viviane Esders, founder and president of the Viviane Esders Prize jury. Here are her impressions on video!
Comments closedViviane Esders has convened her prize jury to select the five finalists for the second edition. The winner will be announced in September 2023, and…
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Comments closed“From the past to the present, Markéta Luskačová has maintained the accuracy of her gaze and her common thread, the human.” Photography has the wonderful…
Comments closed“Telling stories in photography has always been my obsession.” Telling stories in photography has always been my obsession”, explains Jean-Claude Delalande, a master in the…
Comments closedFor this photographer, time takes on another dimension. At the age of 20, Pierre de Vallombreuse wanted to become a draughtsman. A few years later,…
Comments closed“I’m developing work around the fragility of my condition as an exile, which I compare with the fragility of the silver medium” Since 1988, Payram…
Comments closedWhat have you chosen to present for the Prix Viviane Esders?I have chosen three bodies of work that best represent my approach from the mid-1960s…
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